Web Design

Web Design

Doing Business Online and Informing Your Customers with The Latest!

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Web Design Process

This is the web design process to design, develop and launch a site.


In this initial stage you will consult with the developer and provide all the information he request. This will help him determine what type of site you are looking to get developed. Based on the information you will be given a quote before committing.

Place Order

The breakdown of this order will be done in two segments, starting and launching. Before starting the project 50% of the cost will need to be paid to cover the initial cost. The second payment installment will made before migrating the site to its final domain name server.

Design Stage

In this stage the developer and I will work together to design a site based on the type of platform you choose, of course all designs will follow the color style of the logo to keep consistency.

Hosting Setup

The hosting setup will be determined based on the platform of choice, some platforms already include the hosting in the website package, therefore a hosting setup may not be needed, but configuration will be required. Our job will be to design the site and develop the design on the platform of choice.


The development stage will be broken down into several stages in order to follow a timeline that will help us to deliver the site on time. This will included installing plugins, setting up the theme and securing the site by installing an SSL and a ReCaptcha plugins.

Demo Stage

Before migrating or launching we will schedule a demo of the complete site and this will be the time to revise and do changes that may be required. NOTE: Revising does not mean changing the whole approved concept. If a new concept is needed, then a new cost will be associated to that new design concept.

Revision Stage

This stage of the process is important because here you and I will work together to finalize any edits that may be needed.
NOTE: Revising does not mean changing the whole approved site or create new pages. If a new page is needed, then a new cost will be associated to that new page.


The final stage means that all revisions have been finalized and you are satisfied with the final static look of the site.

Have A Question?

Email me your questions at Evee.Salazar@gmail.com